
viernes, 11 de enero de 2019

OYE de Jim Papoulis


Es-tá so-lo, llo-ran-do
en si-len-cio, en la os-cu-ri-dad.

Es-tá soñ-an-do, de-se-an-do
con es-per-an-za, por la_o-por-tu-ni-dad
Es-cú-cha-los, e-llos te lla-man

O-ye, Are you listening
O-ye, Can you hear them calling
O-ye, We are calling to you

O-ye, Are you listening
O-ye, Can you hear them calling
O-ye, Can you hear us

Es-cú-cha-los, mí-ra-los
es-cu-cha lo que tra-tan de de-cir

Es-tán en bús-que-da, del ca-mi-no
pe-queñ-as vo-ces lla-mán-do-te

Es-cú-cha-los, e-llos te lla-man

O-ye, Are you listening
O-ye, Can you hear them calling
O-ye, We are calling to you

O-ye, Are you listening
O-ye, Can you hear them calling
O-ye, Can you hear us

Sección "fiestera"
(Voz 2 - Repite 4 veces)
O-ye, Are you listening O-ye, Can you hear us
O-ye, Are you listening O-ye, Can you hear us

(Voz 1 - entra en la segunda vuelta, repite 3 veces)
I can hear you calling
I can hear you calling

(Voz 3 - entra en la tercera vuelta, repite 2 veces)
La la la la la
La la la la la

O-ye, o-ye, o-ye, o-ye, o-ye

O-ye, Are you listening
O-ye, Can you hear them calling
O-ye, We are calling to you
O-ye, Are you listening
O-ye, Can you hear them calling
O-ye, Can you hear us

Subiendo 1 tono:

O-ye, Are you listening
O-ye, Can you hear them calling
O-ye, We are calling to you
O-ye, Are you listening
O-ye, Can you hear them calling
O-ye, Can you hear us

Para descargarte e imprimir la letra de la canción, sigue este enlace:


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